Username and Initial Password |
The format of your Username and Initial Password are
described below.
HKMU Staff:
- Username is same as your staff e-mail name, e.g. "makc" for
staff with e-mail address
- Password is your Hong Kong Identity Card number, including the
preceding alphabet, without the digit in brackets, e.g. the
password of HKID G765432(1) is g765432.
- If you are the first time to use this Single-Password service
to change password, you should type initial password as your
current password
- All letters must be in low case.
- For those who do not have HKID Card should use your passport
no. Your initial password is: if the passport no. is 8 or more
digits, your password is "pp" + first 6 digits of your passport
no.; if the passport no. is less than 8 digits, your password is
"pp" + all digit of passport no. truncating the last digit. For
example, if your Passport No. is 1234567, your password is
pp123456; if your passport No. is ab789, your password is ppab78.
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